What is Neurofeedback?

l   It is a non-medical treatment for ADD, Autism, Head Injury, and many other conditions. 
l   The user responds to computer guided video animations that reward improvment in brain function.
l   Neurofeedback improves mind and body function by optimizing brainwave activity. 
l   A technology Based on NASA reaseach.

How does it work?

Advancements in computer technology allow the measurement of instantaneous electrical activity in the brain through electrodes pasted to the head. Neurofeedback training rewards the user with sounds and video animations closely linked to improvement in the brain’s activity. The computer generates a series of rewards faster than the brain can typically respond to it. This triggers the mind’s attention to first be guided buy the computer’s rewards, rather than to follow old thought patterns that negatively effect health and limit personal achievement. Functionally, Neurofeedback becomes a guidance system for the mind that trains the brain to bypass unhealthy patterns and create an experience of wellness that the individual can’t achieve alone. Over time the experience becomes permanent as better neural pathways are formed in the brain. Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, non-medical alternative treatment for ADD, Autism, Anxiety and many other conditions. As a part of a comprehensive treatment program, Neurofeedback can improve attention, behavior, performance, and motivation. It is a proven aid in the in the recovery of head injury, post-traumatic stress, and other brain-based problems.

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Neurofeedback is an effective non-medical treatment for ADD, ADHD, Autism, Depression, Anxiety, Head Injury, and other conditions. It is a safe non-invasive therapy that often brings results where traditional approaches have failed. – John Dupler, PhD